A method for hydrogen sulfide removal in air of submarine by Lewatit TP 208Denizaltı havasında hidrojen sülfitin Lewatit TP 208 ile giderilmesi için bir metot

A method for hydrogen sulfide removal in air of submarine by Lewatit TP 208Denizaltı havasında hidrojen sülfitin Lewatit TP 208 ile giderilmesi için bir metot

Abstract In this paper is proposed a method to remove the hydrogen sulfide in air of submarine. This method is based on the absorption of hydrogen sulfide by Lewatit TP 208. Soda lime cartilage is commonly used in submarine for removing of moisture and carbon dioxide in air. In this process soda lime cartilage was combined with Lewatit TP 208. The amount of Lewatit TP 208 required for 710 m3 air of submarine was 11 kg. The problem for submarine is hydrogen sulfide contents of seawater during in submerged condition. The proposal technique can remove of moisture and hydrogen sulfide in air of submarine. This process is the first record to remove the hydrogen sulfide in air of submarine.


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