Uluslararası Hukuk Açısından Diplomatik Sığınma ve Assange Olayı

Diplomatic Asylum According to International Law and the Assange Case

The founder and chief editor of Wikileaks, Julian Paul Assange, made an application for asylum protection from Embassy of Ecuador in London on 19th of June, 2012 and this request was accepted by the Embassy . Assange, whose diplomatic asylum status was strongly objected by the UK government, has not been allowed to leave the country . Now, he lives in the Embassy premises . Diplomatic asylum, having a long historical background, is a controversial subject in international law . In this article, diplomatic asylum, becoming a popular issue again by the Assange case, is going to be handled . In this context, whether a person could be protected through diplomatic asylum by any state while criminal proceedings against him in process, would be discussed, and, if such protection is warranted to that person, the legal applications which could be used by the state that does not allow the person to leave the country and possible legal solutions would be examined


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