This research is made with the participation of elite male swimmers and it is aimed to determine effects of undertakings in different distances on the glucose and insulin.Our research was performed with 20 healthy male swimmers in elite level and actively realizing swimming trainings.  Subjects made short, middle and long distance swimming trainings on different days, and their complete blood values were obtained at the end of these undertakings and their glucose and insulin levels were determined.  Data was evaluated by means of SPSS package program, and significance level was taken as p<0.05.At the end of the applications, it was established that glucose levels of the research group significantly increased in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th tests (short, middle and long distance) in comparison to the results of 1st test which was the pretest (p<0.05). It was also determined at the end of the same measurements that insulin levels significantly decreased.  Differences was statistically significant (p<0.05).As a result fo the research it may be stated that swimming performances of swimmers with different undertakings have caused significant changes in the values of glucose and insulin out of complete blood values.  


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