Some Plants and Their Effects Used in Traditional Treatment of Diseases at Çorum Province in Turkey

With this study, it was aimed to determine some plants used in the traditional treatment of diseases by local people in Çorum and to determine their purpose of use and how they are used. To determine this, totally 45 people were interviewed face to face Derinöz, Ağaççamı, Şaphane villages at Oğuzlar province, Kuyucak village at Sidings province, Kutluözü village at Iskilip province, Durucasu and Güvercinlik villages at Osmancık province, in Çorum city. The people, who participated in the survey, were asked to show the plants used in traditional treatment of diseases at the territory; for which diseases and how they are used. Field studies includes June- October months of the year 2016. As a result of this study, 14 families and 18 taxa data are summarized. These are; Elaeagnus angustifolia (Elaeagnaceae), Equisetum ramosissimum (Equisetaceae), Carlina oligocephala var. oligocephala (Asteraceae), Chondrilla juncea (Asteraceae), Aesculus hippocastanum (Sapindaceae), Prunus spinosa (Rosaceae), Pyrus elaeagnifolia (Rosaceae), Rubus canescens var. canescens (Rosaceae), Pinus nigra (Pinaceae), Brassica oleracea (Brassicaceae), Malva sylvestris (Malvaceae), Astragalus sp. (Fabaceae), Colutea cilicica (Fabaceae), Cucumis sativus (Cucurbitaceae), Allium cepa (Amaryllidaceae), Juglans regia (Juglandaceae), Vitis vinifera (Vitaceae), Quercus robur (Fagaceae).

Some Plants and Their Effects Used in Traditional Treatment of Diseases at Çorum Province in Turkey

With this study, it was aimed to determine some plants used in the traditional treatment of diseases by local people in Çorum and to determine their purpose of use and how they are used. To determine this, totally 45 people were interviewed face to face Derinöz, Ağaççamı, Şaphane villages at Oğuzlar province, Kuyucak village at Sidings province, Kutluözü village at Iskilip province, Durucasu and Güvercinlik villages at Osmancık province, in Çorum city. The people, who participated in the survey, were asked to show the plants used in traditional treatment of diseases at the territory; for which diseases and how they are used. Field studies includes June- October months of the year 2016. As a result of this study, 14 families and 18 taxa data are summarized. These are; Elaeagnus angustifolia (Elaeagnaceae), Equisetum ramosissimum (Equisetaceae), Carlina oligocephala var. oligocephala (Asteraceae), Chondrilla juncea (Asteraceae), Aesculus hippocastanum (Sapindaceae), Prunus spinosa (Rosaceae), Pyrus elaeagnifolia (Rosaceae), Rubus canescens var. canescens (Rosaceae), Pinus nigra (Pinaceae), Brassica oleracea (Brassicaceae), Malva sylvestris (Malvaceae), Astragalus sp. (Fabaceae), Colutea cilicica (Fabaceae), Cucumis sativus (Cucurbitaceae), Allium cepa (Amaryllidaceae), Juglans regia (Juglandaceae), Vitis vinifera (Vitaceae), Quercus robur (Fagaceae).


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International Journal of Secondary Metabolite-Cover
  • Başlangıç: 2014
  • Yayıncı: İzzet KARA
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