The Contributions of Physiologic Birth and Cesarean Delivery to Attachment and Social Skills of 6-Year-Old Children

The aim of the current study is to investigate the contributions of physiologic birth and cesarean delivery to attachment and social skills of 6-year-old children. A causal-comparative research design was employed. The study was conducted during the Fall of 2017 and Spring of 2018 in 2 low SES state preschools randomly-selected in Bağcılar District, in İstanbul. The sample of the study is made up of a total of 50 children (23 girls and 27 boys). 20 of the children were normally delivered whereas 30 of them were cesarean born. Incomplete Stories with a Doll Family (ISDF) and Social Skills Rating System (SSRS) were used for the data collection. A t-test and One-Way ANOVA were employed for the data analysis. The results showed that that attachment levels and social skills of 5- and 6 year-old children differed significantly by types of child delivery favoring normally born children.


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