The Effect of Different Sport Branches on Body Fat Percentage

The Effect of Different Sport Branches on Body Fat Percentage

In recent studies, in the number of overweight children among children in ten age groups reported to be increase due to the unbalanced lifestyle.Surplus foods we eat all the carbohydrates, fats and proteins that turned into fat tissue into storage. Anatomical and physiological functions, the fat must be a certain amount should be in every healthy individual is one of the basic elements. Should have a minimal amount of fat in the body is considered to be a biological threshold. Reported that an individual's health could be compromised when drops below this threshold.Research, in different sports (volleyball, soccer, basketball, and athletics) was carried out on subjects in sporting activities.The sample size of the universe known to work using the sample formula, the 155 athletes in different sports activities to be planned.Different branches of sport for athletes with sports activities, physical and anthropometric characteristics examined in this study, the size and weight of athletes in volleyball sports branch, sporting activities, sports activities with the athletes in other sports disciplines were significant differences between height and weight. Athletics athletes in the sports branch, sporting activities included in the study received an average length of 170 ± 8 cm and average weight 55.9 ± 8.6 kg. Measurement of the thickness of subcutaneous fat from triceps area of 8.7 ± 3.8 mm, measured from the biceps region of 5.7 ± 3.2 mm in thickness of subcutaneous fat, subcutaneous fat thickness of the subscapular region measured 10.5 ± 1.7 mm, the thickness of subcutaneous fat taken from the measurement region Suprailiac 8.8 ± 2.4 was measured in mm. Basketball in the field of sports activities for athletes 165 ± 16 cm in average height, average weight 55.2 ± 17.2 kg.As can be seen on the results of our study population of teen-age inactivity and excessive fat in the body will lead to health problems later in life and keep them under control in terms of decrease, in the age of basic education in our society to be useful in directing the young generation industry in volleyball carry his faith.


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