"Bana Arz olundu" Kalıbıyla Rivayet Edilen Hadisler ve Anlamı

Hz. Peygamber bazı hadislerinde "bana arz olundu" şeklinde bir ifade
Anahtar Kelimeler:

vahiy, ilham, Hz. Muhammed, Hadis

The hadith with the phrase "l was displayed " and their meaning

Prophet Muhammed uses the phrase "l was displayed" in some of his Hadith,ln this study such hadith are presented following the discussion of what is meant by'being displayed' or 'being presented' in general. The hadith with such a phrase thatare cited in the reliable hadith sources are classified as being revealed when theProphet was in a sleep, awake or in undetermined state, Each case is furthersubclassifed, While such hadith are cited, the meaning of the phrase "l wasdisplayed' is evaluated with respect to both the differences in narration and theinterpration of narratos. As a result, it is determined that the phrase of 'beingdisptayed' is a visual presentation, but the source and content of such presentationis left to be a subject of a follow up study.


Ahmed b, Faris, Ebu'l-Huseyn, Mücmelü'l,Luğa, Thk. Züheyr Abdulmuhsin sultan, l\,,lüessesetü'r- Risale, Beyrui 1986

LisanU'lArab, Daru sadlr, Beyrut 1990