Evaluation of Delayed Splint Removal and Root Resorption due to Pandemic: Case Report

Evaluation of Delayed Splint Removal and Root Resorption due to Pandemic: Case Report

Avulsion, defined as the complete dislocation of the tooth from the alveolar socket, is considered one of the most serious traumatic injuries. In these injuries; Many tissues are affected, including dental pulp, gingiva, periodontal fibers, cementum and alveolar bone.In the prognosis of the tooth replanted as a result of avulsion, the duration of splinting and initiation of treatment are as important as the duration of the tooth in the external environment and the environment in which it is transported.In this case report, the diagnosis and treatment of a 15-year-old patient, whose treatment was started but could not come to his appointment due to pandemic conditions, is discussed with the clinical and radiological evaluation of root resorption following root canal treatment and splint removal approximately 1 year later.


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HRÜ Uluslararası Diş Hekimliği ve Oral Araştırmalar Dergisi-Cover
  • Başlangıç: 2021
  • Yayıncı: Harran Üniversitesi