Comparative analysis between FAR and ARL based control charts with runs rules

In this study, we have conducted comparative analysis between false alarm rate (FAR) and average run length (ARL) based control charts with runs rules. In this regard, we have considered various univariate and multivariate control charts which include mean, standard deviation, variance, Hotelling, and generalized variance. For evaluation purpose, we have used actual false alarm rate, power, in-control actual average run length, and out-of-control average run length as performance indicators. Furthermore, the performance indicators are calculated through Monte Carlo simulation procedures. Results revealed that performance order of runs rules with FAR based control charts are persistent whereas, performance order of runs rules with ARL based control charts are dependent on the circumstances, that is, sample size, size of shift, type of control chart, and side of control limit (upper-sided and lower-sided). Besides, we have provided a real life example using the data on electrical resistance of insulation. In this approach, we have determined that behavior of FAR and ARL based control charts using the real data is recorded similar to the behavior using the statistical performance indicators.


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