BAYBURT DAĞÇATI KÖYÜ CAMİİ VE ÇEŞMESİ / Bayburt Dağçatı Village Mosque and the Fountain

Dağçatı Köyü Camii, geleneksel özellikler taşıyan Osmanlı Dönemicamilerinden biridir. XIX. yüzyılın hemen başında, 1806 yılında inşaedilmiştir. Geleneksel ahşap mimarisinin taşrada ki örneklerinden biridir.Kare planlı ahşap tavana sahip caminin tavanı dört bir yanda duvarlar üzerineoturmaktadır. Cami, iç mekândaki kalemişi süslemelerin özelliklerindendolayı önem taşımaktadır. Süslemenin ana temasını çiçekler ve dallar, “C” ve“S” biçimli kıvrımlar, semboller ve yazı oluşturmaktadır. Caminin mimarı vesüslemeyi yapan ustası bilinmemektedir. Caminin iç ve dış mimarisi,süslemesi ve malzemesi bölgesel özellikler taşımaktadır.Anahtar Kelimeler: Bayburt, Geleneksel, Osmanlı, Cami, KalemişiSüsleme.Bayburt Dağçatı Village Mosque and the FountainAbstractDağçatı Village mosque is one of the mosques of the Ottoman periodthat has the traditional features. It was built in 1806 at the beginning of XIX.century. It is one of the examples in the country of the traditional woodenarchitecture. The ceiling of the mosque that has a square planned woodenceiling rests on the walls on all sides. The mosque has a great importance dueto the features of the hand-drown ornament at the indoor. The flowers andbranches, “C” and “S” shaped ornaments, symbols and writings form themain theme of the ornament. The mosque’s architect and the master ofornament have not been known. The interior and exterior architecture of themosque, its decoration and its material have regional characteristics.Keywords: Bayburt, Traditional, Ottoman, Mosque, Hand -DownDecoration.


Da ğçatı Village mosque is one of the mosques of the Ottoman period that has the traditional features. It was built in 1806 at the beginning of XIX. century. It is one of the examples in the country of the traditional wooden architecture. The ceiling of the mosque that has a square planned wooden ceiling rests on the walls on all sides. The mosque has a great importance due to the features of the hand-drown ornament at the indoor. The flowers and branches, “C” and “S” shaped ornaments, symbols and writings form the main theme of the ornament. The mosque’s architect and the master of ornament have not been known. The interior and exterior architecture of the mosque, its decoration and its material have regional characteristics.


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