A Literature-Focused Study: The Furniture Structure Course in Design Education

A Literature-Focused Study: The Furniture Structure Course in Design Education

Structure, which is the system that defines the configuration of furniture and supports it with its constructive features; plays a decisive role right from the first stage of design. Having a correct understanding of the structure directly affects this process and the resulting product. Although the structure is considered a technical requirement, it also strengthens furniture designs aesthetically. This study focuses on analyzing and evaluating the functional performance of the ICM 220 Structure in Furniture course, which is given in the undergraduate program of MSGSÜ Faculty of Architecture, Department of Interior Architecture. The content of the course encourages the students to be creative in design education and supports the design processes. In this sense, the syllabus of Structure in Furniture, which is one of the courses serving the Project process, is explained in general terms. The students who took the course in the spring semester of the 2021-2022 academic year were surveyed within the framework of the principle of voluntariness, and the results of the survey were evaluated within the scope of the experiences they had with the studies they had done during the semester, the outputs and achievements of the course. With these evaluations, it was tried to make determinations about the process by examining the effects of students' learning, using the right source and method, expressing themselves and literature-oriented work on the design process. It has been seen that working with a common roadmap supported by detailed research allows students to have a say over the performance of the course in question. With interactive information sharing, it was possible for students to consciously manage the design process.


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