Martin Heidegger'in Varlık Ontolojisinde Fark Metafiziği

Bu çalışmada Heidegger'in varlık ontolojisinde,"fark"ın metafi-ziğinin ne olduğu değerlendirilecektir. Değerlendirme Heidegger'in Batı düşünme geleneğinde varlığın ve düşünmenin unutulması olarak ifade et-tiği "ontolojik ve metafizik fark" üzerinedir. Çalışmada "fark" problemi, "Heidegger'in varlık ontolojisinde fark nedir?", "fark"ın ontolojik ve me-tafizik anlamı nedir?", "bu 'fark metafiziği'nin Batı düşüncesindeki te-melleri nelerdir?" soruları kapsamında ele alınacaktır. Genel olarak "fark" Heidegger'de etik ve politik alana değil, ontolojik ve metafizik alana aittir. Heidegger'de ontoloji, "varolanların varlığının anlamı" üzerine tarihsel düşünmeyken; metafizik "varlığın ilk ilkelerinin ne olduğu" üzerine onto-teo-lojik düşünmedir. Bu nedenle "fark"ın ontolojik ve metafizik analizi, ontolojik düzlemde varlık, varolan ve düşünme; metafizik düzlemde ise varlığın ilk ilkeleri ve hiçlik temelinde gerçekleştirilecektir.

The Metaphysics of Difference in the Ontology of Being of Martin Heidegger

In this study, the metaphysics of "difference" in Heidegger's onto-logy of being will be evaluated. The evaluation is based on the "ontolo-gical and metaphysical difference" as Heidegger has expressed as forget-ting the being and thinking in the Western thinking tradition. The issue of difference will be addressed within the scope of the questions of "what is difference in the ontology of being by Heidegger?", "what is the ontolo-gical and metaphysical meanings of "difference"?", "what are the founda-tions of difference metaphysics in the Western thought?". In general, the difference is not in the ethical and political sphere, but in the ontological and metaphysical sphere in Heidegger. The ontology in Heidegger is the historical thinking on the "meaning of the Being of beings" while the me-taphysics is ontotheological thinking on the "first principles of being". For this reason, the ontological and metaphysical analysis of the "difference" will be made on the being, being and thinking in the ontological platform, while it will be made on the first principles of the being and nothingness in the metaphysical platform


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  • o Martin Heidegger, Identitiy and Difference, translated by Joan Stambaugh; Harper & Row, New York: 1969.
  • o Martin Heidegger, Early Greek Thinking, translated by David Farrell Krell and Frank A. Capuzzi, Harper and Row Publishers, New York: 1984.
  • o Martin Heidegger, Discourse On Thinking, translated by John M. Anderson and E. Hans Freund, Harper&Row Publishers, New York: 1996,
  • o Martin Heidegger, What is Called Thinking? Translation of Was Heisst Denken, Perennial Published, New York: 1976.
  • o Martin Heidegger, "Letter on Humanism", Basic Writings, edited by David Farrell Krell, A Division of Harpercollins Publishers, SanFrancisco: 1993.
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  • o Martin Hiedegger, Parmenides, translated by Andre Schuwer and Richard Rojcewicz, Indiana University Press, Indianapolis: 1992.
  • o Martin Heidegger, "What is Metaphysics?", Basic Writings, edited by David Farrell Krell, A Division of HarpercollinsPublishers, San Francisco, 1993. pp. 89-110.
  • o Plato, Sofist, edited by John M. Cooper, Hackett Publishing Company, Indıanapolis: 1997.
  • o W. Kluback and J. T.Wilde, M. Heidegger-The Question of Being, New College and University Press, USA: 1958.