21 Temmuz 2017 Mw 6.6 Bodrum-Kos depremi öncesi b-değerlerinin analizi

Analysis of the b-Values Before the July 21 th, 2017 Mw 6.6 Bodrum-Kos, Turkey Earthquake

In this study, a statistical analysis of regional and time-dependent changes of earthquake activity in Bodrum and its vicinity before the Bodrum-Kos earthquake (Mw 6.6) that occurred on 21 July 2017 was performed and the Gutenberg-Richter b-value change was investigated. The earthquake catalog used in the calculations was taken from Boğaziçi University, Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute. This catalog contains 16947 earthquakes with M>2 between 2004 and the time until the Bodrum-Kos earthquake of 21.07.2017. The completeness magnitude for these earthquakes was calculated as 2.6. The b-value was calculated as 1.25 ±0.01 using the maximum probability method. Considering that tectonic earthquakes have b-values between 0.5-1.5, it is seen that the b-value obtained by Gutenberg-Richter law for the vicinity of Bodrum in this study is a good fit. In addition, it was observed that b-value took high values in the north of Bodrum before the Bodrum-Kos earthquake occurred. Low values are observed in the southeast of Bodrum. Stress accumulation was correlated with b-values for the region.


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