Today, the perceptions and expectations of university students about the programs they attend are important when the aims of the universities are considered. In this sense, it is necessary for all the universities in Turkey to develop some plans by determining certain priorities which will satisfy university students and also take their expectations into consideration.  It is possible to reach a required level of education by focusing on the subjects such as quality, satisfaction and performance. In this study, it was aimed to determine the satisfaction level of the students attending in Turkish Teaching Department at Çukurova University about the services, lessons and the instructors. This study was designed using a descriptive survey model. 106 teacher candidates in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades of Turkish Teaching Department at Çukurova University participated in the study. ‘A Satisfaction Survey for Turkish Teaching Candidates’ was administered as data collection tool. Descriptive statistics were used in the analysis of the data. Satisfaction levels of the participants in Turkish Teaching program were examined in three dimensions in terms of teaching programs, lessons, lecturers, services and facilities.  It was found that satisfaction levels of the students were, in general, low or medium.  Considering the results of the study, the realities of the country and the students’ expectations should be taken into consideration and emphasized while a teaching program is prepared. The results may contribute to the preparation of  new Turkish Teaching programs and to the researchers who aim to conduct research about similar issues.  


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