Türk, Hint, Pers, Mısır, Mezopotamya ve Yunan gibi kadim dünya kültürlerinde ateşe kutsiyet atfeden çeşitli telakkiler oluşmuş ve buna bağlı olarak kimi gelenekler ve inançlar ortaya çıkmıştır. Eski Arap kültüründe dahi ateş etrafında bazı geleneklerin varlık gösterdiğine tanık olunmaktadır. el-Câhiz, Arap kültüründe gelenek haline gelmiş ateş yakma âdetlerini, bir bütün olarak tespit ederek kayda geçirmiştir. Müteakip dönemlerde Ebû Hilâl, es-Seâlibî ve elKalkaşendî gibi yazarlar da bu konuyu ele almışlardır. Nitel bir tasnifi haiz olmayan bu tespitlerde ateş yakma gelenekleri sıralanarak anlatılmıştır. Bu makalede eski Arap kültürünün ateşle ilgili gelenekleri ve ilgili telakkiler ―gündelik toplumsal hayat‖ ve ―halk inançları‖ kapsamında nitel bir tasnife konu edilerek işlenmiştir


extraordionary fenomena and a holy event, to such extant that many communities worshipped the fire. It is frequent to run in to traditions formed on fire in arabic culture too. Though we know that arabs gave important to the fire, there are not much or any evidence to prove that the arabs of cahiliyya regarded the fire a sacred event as to worship except for some ceremonies like burning fire when praying to ask for the rain. Perhaps it was al-Djahis the famous writer of the third century to compile the narrations and write down in his al-Hayavân in a treatise plan. He was followed by al-Tha‗alibî. Ebû Hilâl then compiled a list of traditional fires in brief a summary of which is written down by al- Qalqashandî later in his well-know al-Subh al-a‗shâ. In this treatise I gave a concise presentation of the traditional fires of ancient arabic culture with a simple classification. Ancient writers gave us a general list of the fires with out any classification. Actually those fire traditions are of two kind. The first is about daily life and has or at least intented to have concrete results in the community, when the other is about the folk-faiths


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