Evaluating the new English language teaching program of Turkey for primary schools anthropocentrically

Öz The new geological epoch called the Anthropocene has shown how human activities have influenced the world negatively and revealed the threat created by ongoing human activities to the sustainability of the future of the world. Therefore, what the Anthropocene has shown has to be dealt with. One way to do this is education. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate the new Turkish English Language Teaching Program for primary schools anthropocentrically. It was designed as a qualitative study. The data were collected through the new program for primary schools and the coursebooks prepared according to the new program. The data was analyzed through documentation analysis. Triangulation and thick descriptions were used to make the study trustworthy. The findings have shown that the new program has seven themes related to nature in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th-grade syllabi. They have also indicated that these themes can help students to study and learn English in relation to nature. The findings were discussed and suggestions for further studies made.


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