Contrastive analysis of the semantic relations of connectors in argumentative texts in English and Albanian

Öz Please fill up the following information accurately. (Please use Times New Roman, 12 pt. Contrastive analysis of the semantic relations of connectors in argumentative texts in English and Albanian The main purpose of this paper is the functional analysis and argumentation of text connectors as tools for implementation of the textual connectivity not only in the local but also global context. Given the comparative nature of this paper, we will be comparing typology and relationships expressed by the connectors in some of the argumentative texts published in the investigative journalism Project Syndicate network with their analogous versions translated into Albanian and published in the Kosovo daily newspaper Koha Ditore.Thus, the treatment of the relationships they express will be realized by analyzing the preservation of the typology of the connectors during the translation process from the original variants in the language in which they are translated, in our case in Albanian.Such processed data will provide answers related to the frequency of the connectors’ use, their means of realization, relations expressed according to the prevalence of connectors as well as their semantic, grammatical and functional equivalency. 


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