An examination of psycholinguistic variables among learners of Turkish

Öz Please fill up the following information accurately. (Please use Times New Roman, 12 pt. An examination of psycholinguistic variables among learners of Turkish This article describes a study into the multiple interacting factors which motivate learners of Turkish, the demand for which has been steadily increasing given the geo-political realities of the region at this time. A questionnaire was used which examined motivation, investment, beliefs and autonomy on a rating scale of 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). In addition, a qualitative dimension was added by asking respondents to comment on their reasons for their ratings and to give examples where they could. The participants were 402 students of Turkish at the TÖMER centre at a Turkish university. The highest ratings were for motivation and the belief that Turkish is a good language to learn (median rating=5). All of the other items of the questionnaire were given a median rating of 4 (agree). Reasons given for the ratings included personal, educational or economic advancement, conflict avoidance, and a wide range of examples was also provided. The findings are discussed and compared with existing literature, and implications are proposed. Possibilities for further research are also suggested to follow up some of the interesting questions raised by the study.   Information about Author(s)* Author 1 Author (Last name, First name)  Soruç, Adem Affiliated institution (University)  Sakarya UniversityCountry  Turkey Email address  adamsoruc@gmail.comDepartment & Rank  English Language Teaching Corresponding author (Yes/No) Write only one corresponding author.  Yes Author 2 Author (Last name, First name)  Griffiths, Carol Affiliated institution (University)  Auckland Institute of Studies, Auckland Country  New ZealandEmail address  carolgriffiths5@gmail.comDepartment & Rank  Applied Linguistics & Associate Professor, Dr.Corresponding author (Yes/No)  No Author 3 Author (Last name, First name)   Affiliated institution (University)   Country   Email address   Department & Rank   Corresponding author (Yes/No)   Author 4 Author (Last name, First name)   Affiliated institution (University)   Country   Email address   Department & Rank   Corresponding author (Yes/No)    


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Dil ve Dilbilimi Çalışmaları Dergisi-Cover
  • ISSN: 1305-578X
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 4 Sayı
  • Yayıncı: Hacettepe Üniversitesi