Değer eğitiminde geçmişten günümüze bir Işık: “Aile bilgisi dersi” model önerisi

Bu araştırmada, ailevî ve bireysel değerlerin korunması için seçmeli bir ders olarak Aile Bilgisi ders modeli geliştirilmiştir. Bu ders, ilköğretim okullarında duyuşsal becerilerin ve duyarlılıkların kazanıldığı kritik yaşlarda, uygulamalı ve okul- aile işbirliğini sağlayacak bir şekilde değerlerin kazandırılmasına yöneliktir. Bu amaçla, nitel araştırma desenlerinden temellendirilmiş kuramın metodolojisi benimsenerek, ihtiyaç analizi yapmak için,1936 ve 1948 programında yer alan ve 1968 programıyla yürürlükten kaldırılan Aile Bilgisi dersi, 2005 tarihli Hayat Bilgisi ve Sosyal Bilgiler Ders Programları incelenmiş; gazete haberleri, veli ve uzman görüşleriyle programın bileşenlerine karar verilmiştir. Bu bileşenler; genel amaçlar, kavramlar, değerler, beceriler, öğrenme alanları, üniteler ve kazanımlardır. 4. ve 5. sınıf için; 9 genel amaç, 45 temel kavram, 14 temel beceri, 18 temel değer, 8 öğrenme alanı, 16 ünite ve 95 kazanım ile ders programı yapılandırılmıştır.

From past to present in values education: A model for the family studies course

In this study, the Family Studies Course Model has been developed as an elective course for the protection of family and individual courses. The aim of this course is to provide values to primary schools children who are at critical ages for learning sensory skills and sensibility by applied education and school-family collaboration. The stages of program development included in this model proposal are outlined as; determination of the general objectives of the course, needs analysis, determination of the gains (knowledge, skill and value), determination of learning areas and units. Method This research has been designed with qualitative research-based theory (grounded theory). The theory concept in this pattern means that the method used to conduct research (Punch, 2005). Grounded theory is a research method based on deriving the theory from data which is collected and analyzed during the research process (Strauss & Corbin, 1990). In this study, collected data (document, expert opinion, parents’ opinions, and news) were analyzed in the process and were investigated according to a course model based on family and personal values. Data was collected from many sources to increase the reliability and validity of the study. It was examined in terms of values of some newspaper articles which were published in 2005-2011 as a tool of data collection and 18 parents and 6 experts were also consulted. In addition, the Family Studies Course Curriculum of 1936 and 1948, Social Studies Curriculum and Life Information (Hayat Bilgisi) Curriculum of 2005 were subjected to document analysis to shed light on the designed course model proposal. The following are given diagram showing the research process: Figure 1. The following ways to develop family studies course model proposition The working process took approximately 6 months. As is known, it is necessary to show the need for program for the preparation of a program, and to determine what is necessary to meet this need in the best way (Demirel, 1990: 80). Therefore, the purpose of this study was determine in the first stage of study and then followed a needs analysis to determine the objectives of the program. During the needs analysis, those things examined first were The Family Studies Programs in 1936 and 1948 and these programs were analyzed in terms of its structure, titles of the subject and descriptions. Historical analyzes were used in these methods. As it is known, the analysis of the historical method is usually based on the document analysis (Miller &Brewer, 2003). In this research, it was utilized to design a course program which will shed light on the value education in accordance with the modern conditions from historical method. Other resources for analysis are newspapers and other media news, opinions of experts and parents. This study was guided by the target resource. Due to the nature of the research, the analysis of these sources was not included in study. For example, internet news in 5 January 2010: “Their mother who throw in the garbage after drown her 3-day baby with rope was sent to the court in Kocaeli” (URL1); internet news in 25 November 2010: “Ahmet Dertsiz who is 29 years old and ominous son broke his mother (Gülfiye Köse (61)) nose and broke the bones of the ribs. Because his mother did not give him the drug money.” (URL 2). Many more news reports like this gradually shows a loss in the value of the family institution. So value education which gives to family members at the critical ages such things as respect parents and regard for the family as a livable home must be given within the framework of a course at the school. The news reports examined to determine the need for society and individuals, otherwise parents’ opinions will be sampled: “SC: I say my children: Turn out the lights. He/she don’t. If his/her teacher says it, it will be good.”, “HŞ: If he/she sew his/her switch at least, it will be usefull in the future.” Opinions like this acted as a guide in determining the design of the course model’s general objectives and gains. Another source which was used concerning needs analysis is Social Studies and Life Science in 2005. Because the structure of the course programs are compatible with the Family Studies Course. The general objectives of the course were determined after a needs analysis. But these objectives are continuously subject to revision in the research process. After objectives, values, skills and concepts, which are important components of the program structure, are determined by experts. The values, skills and concepts are related to each other and bring together and establish learning areas. In this process, 8 learning areas are designed, taking into account the Ministry of Education’s business day calendar. And then the concepts, skills and values are created in the context of the gains and these gains are placed to learning areas. The formation stage of gains takes 18 weeks. It is reviewed under expert opinion to ensure reliability of gains, learning areas and lesson units. The experts who give opinion on the research studies and the values education are six academics who have children in the elementary school. The gains are revised in the light of the feedback from experts and are given final form to program model. Findings, Discussion, Conclusion and Suggestions In recent years, the deficiencies of individuals on issues such as compliance with the principles of economic life, adopting healthy lifestyle, and providing security are observed in many studies. For example, Pınarcı (2007) said that formal education is effective in bringing conscious consumerism to individuals. Otherwise, Berçin (2010) have done working with students in the period of adolescence and Yigit, Tokgöz and Esenay (2001) have done work with students at the primary lev


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