ÖZETYayınlanması amacıyla bilimsel makale yazımı, bir akademisyenin geleceği ve kariyeri açısından oldukça önemlidir. Ancak günümüzde tıp fakültelerinin bir çoğunda bu konu- da eğitim verilmemektedir. Bilimsel makale yazımının eğitimi tüm akademisyenler için önemli bir gereksinimdir. Bir çok doktor, dikkate değer klinik ve deneysel edinimlerini paylaşabilmek adına yabancı dil bilen akademisyen olmayı hedefler. Bilimsel yayın konu- sunda başarılı bir akademisyen daha iyi bir kariyere ve üne kavuşur. Bu makalenin amacı tıbbi makale yazımı konusunda literatür bilgileri ışığında, akademisyen olmayı hedefle- yen doktorları aydınlatmak ve motive etmektir.Anahtar Kelimeler: Bilim; Makale; Tıbbi yazımABSTRACTScientific writing for publication is essential for a succesful career development and aca- demic survival of an academician.  Main problem is lack of the instruction in scientific writing in medicine faculties. Scientific writing education is an inevitable requirement for all academic people. Thus doctors wants to be academician should be keen on learning foreign language and sharing their outstanding clinical and experimental experiences . Good writing skills help to build better career and create reputation. Our writing aimed to enlighten the key points of the successfull medical writing and motivate the young doctors want to be academician.Key Words: Science; Article; Medical writing
Anahtar Kelimeler:

Bilim, Makale; Tıbbi yazım

Scientific writing for publication is essential for a succesful career development and academic survival of an academician. Main problem is lack of the instruction in scientific writing in medicine faculties. Scientific writing education is an inevitable requirement for all academic people. Thus doctors wants to be academician should be keen on learning foreign language and sharing their outstanding clinical and experimental experiences . Good writing skills help to build better career and create reputation. Our writing aimed to enlighten the key points of the successfull medical writing and motivate the young doctors want to be academician


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