Social Intelligence, Self-Efficacy, and Stress-Coping Styles as Predictors of Emotional Intelligence in Nursing Students: A Descriptive Study

Social Intelligence, Self-Efficacy, and Stress-Coping Styles as Predictors of Emotional Intelligence in Nursing Students: A Descriptive Study

This study aims to determine the level of emotional intelligence, social intelligence, self-efficacy, and stress-coping strategies in nursing students, as well as investigate the relationship of emotional intelligence with these variables. The study design was a descriptive relational type. Data were collected from 322 students recruited from one nursing faculty and one faculty of health sciences. Nursing students’ total emotional intelligence score mean (127.73±15.33) was above average. Social intelligence, self-efficacy, and a self-confident coping style were important predictors of emotional intelligence (p


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  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 4 Sayı
  • Başlangıç: 2018
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