Exploitation of plants from upstream of the Sebou-wadi watershed province of Taounate, North of Morocco

Plants have a crucial role in the economy of subsistence of the farming and semi-urban areas of Morocco food, traditional medicine, handicraft, etc. . In other respects, the integrated management of water resources interferes with the phyto-diversity conservation soil fixation, bio-indicators of water quality, etc. . One of the approaches to highlight the "phyto-diversity/water management" comprises an assessment of plants exploitation by the riparian population. Based on land studies and prospecting in upstream of the Sebou-wadi watershed province of Taounate, North of Morocco , we have identified more of 129 plant species and subspecies used in food 60% and/or in traditional medicine 52% . The financial income of the marketed plants is very variable [667 MAD.ha־¹.year־¹ Pisum sativum – 114,133 MAD.ha־¹.year־¹ Capparis spinosa ; MAD = Moroccan Dirham], with a total average of 16,464.80 MAD.ha־¹.year־¹. Capparis spinosa and Olea europaea have casually a significant economic importance. The current plants exploitation would have negative repercussions on superficial waters


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Biyolojik Çeşitlilik ve Koruma-Cover
  • ISSN: 1308-5301
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 3 Sayı
  • Başlangıç: 2008
  • Yayıncı: Ersin YÜCEL
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