Ardahan province is an important gene center of the Caucasian honey bee (Apis mellifera caucasia) and is a place housing one of the four important bee races which are economic values in the world. Ardahan province has an important potential with its delicious, high quality and patent honey production. This research was carried out in Ardahan and its 5 districts to determine the structural condition of the beekeepers and beekeeping enterprises. The data of the study were obtained from the questionnaires of 213 settled and migratory beekeepers selected randomly. The obtained data were analyzed by using chi-square test. In addition to the knowledge run in family and skills, it has been determined that reading and practicing this knowledge is effective in learning beekeeping. This rate was determined as 59.40% for the settled beekeepers and 57.90% for the migratory beekeepers. The difference between learning beekeeping methods of the migratory and settled beekeepers was statistically significant (P <0.01). While a large majority of the settled beekeepers (66.66%) regard beekeeping as an additional source of income, a remarkable proportion of the migratory (51.20%) regard it as their main occupation. The difference observed between the migratory and settled beekeepers was significant (P <0.01) for the purpose of beekeeping. While the vast majority of migratory beekeepers (% 62.80) are beekeeping with 100-200 beehives, a great majority of the settled beekepers (%81.90) are working with 1-100 beehives. The proportion of the beekeepers attending the beekeeping course was determined as 82,6%.


Ardahan province is an important gene center of the Caucasian honey bee (Apis mellifera caucasia) and is a place housing one of the four important bee races which are economic values in the world. Ardahan province has an important potential with its delicious, high quality and patent honey production. This research was carried out in Ardahan and its 5 districts to determine the structural condition of the beekeepers and beekeeping enterprises. The data of the study were obtained from the questionnaires of 213 settled and migratory beekeepers selected randomly. The obtained data were analyzed by using chi-square test. In addition to the knowledge run in family and skills, it has been determined that reading and practicing this knowledge is effective in learning beekeeping. This rate was determined as 59.40% for the settled beekeepers and 57.90% for the migratory beekeepers. The difference between learning beekeeping methods of the migratory and settled beekeepers was statistically significant (P <0.01). While a large majority of the settled beekeepers (66.66%) regard beekeeping as an additional source of income, a remarkable proportion of the migratory (51.20%) regard it as their main occupation. The difference observed between the migratory and settled beekeepers was significant (P <0.01) for the purpose of beekeeping. While the vast majority of migratory beekeepers (% 62.80) are beekeeping with 100-200 beehives, a great majority of the settled beekepers (%81.90) are working with 1-100 beehives. The proportion of the beekeepers attending the beekeeping course was determined as 82,6%.


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