Giacomo Leopardi ve Modern Türk Şiiri: İzleksel ve Şiirsel Benzerlikler

"I Canti'' di Giacomo Leopardi e la congenialita'tematica alla poesia turca moderna

Leopardi was a poet/writer who grew up with classical Greek-Roman culture, and who was molded by romantic and enlightenment cultures. Sentiments stand out in his poetry. Therefore, his poems should be seen as reflections expressed as a result of the experiences of a sentimental spirit. These discourses which are not unfamiliar to the Modern Turkish Poetry can be detected easily in Leopardi’s work named I Canti Songs . This paper contains observations on thematic and poetic proximities of Leopardi and the representatives of Modern Turkish Poetry, who are distant from each other culturally. Usually similarities exist between artists that grow up in the same cultural, social and historical milieu. Moreover, when mentioning the thematic and poetic similarities between Leopardi and the Modern Turkish Poetry, the collocation of sentiments must not be disregarded. The purpose of this work is to analyze the relationship that is believed to exist between Leopardi and the Modern Turkish Poetry, and to study poets with the similar nature of sentiments by giving examples from their poems.