Euler Renk ve Hareket Büyütme Yöntemlerinin Performans Analizi

Bu çalışmasında, insan gözü tarafından algılanması zor olan bir görüntüdeki, gizli renk ve hareket


  • Amirtharajan, R. and Balaguru, R.J.B., 2010. Constructive role of SFC & RGB fusion versus destructive intrusion, International Journal of Computer Applications(IJCA), 1, 30-36.
  • Bharadwaj, S., Dhamecha, T.I., Vatsa, M. and Singh R., 2013. Computationally efficient face spoofing detection with motion magnification, IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops(CVPRW), 105-110.
  • Bharadwaj, S., Dhamecha, T.I., Vatsa, M. and Singh R., 2014. Face anti-spoofing via motion magnification and multifeature videolet aggregation, IIITD-TR- 2014-002.
  • Brecelj, T., 2013. Eulerian video magnification, Seminar,University of Ljubljana Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Slovenia, 15.
  • Carvalho, L. and Virani, H.G., 2014. Webcam based heart rate extraction, International Journal of Pure and Applied Research in Engineering and Technology, 2, 469-476.
  • Chambino, P.B., 2013. Android-based implementation of Eulerian video magnification for vital signs monitoring, M.Sc.Thesis, The University of Porto Informatics and Computer Engineering, Porto, Portugal, 67.
  • DaneshiKohan, M. and NasrAbadi, A., 2014. A temporal video-processing method to improve heart rate estimation, Perfusion.
  • Elgharib, M.A., Hefeeda, M., Durand, F. and Freeman, W.T., 2015. Video magnification in presence of large motions, IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(CVPR 2015), 4119- 4127.
  • Gogia, S. and Liu, R., 2014. Motion magnification of facial micro-expressions, M.I.T. University Cambridge, USA.
  • He, X., Goubran, R.A. and Liu X.P., 2014. Using eulerian video magnification framework to measure pulse transit time, IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications(MeMeA 2014).
  • Javaid, H., Babar, T.K., Rasool, A. and Saghir, R.U., 2013. Video colour variation detection and motion magnification to observe subtle changes, M.Sc.Thesis, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Faisalabad, Pakistan, 57.
  • Kamble, K., Jagtap, N., Patil, R.A. and Bhurane, A., 2015. A review: eulerian video motion magnification, International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJIRCCE), 3, 2384-2390.
  • Kamble, K.S. and Patil, R.A., 2015. Noise reduction in subtle video motion magnification using combined wavelet domain spatio-temporal video de-noising by block based motion detection method, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering(IJAREEIE), 4, 5166-5173.
  • Liu, C., Torralba, A., Freeman, W.T., Durand, F. and Adelson E.H., 2005. Motion magnification, ACM Trans. Graph. Proceedings SIGGRAPH (2005),24.
  • Liu, L., Lu, L., Luo, J., Zhang, J., Chen, X., 2014. Enhanced eulerian video magnification, 7th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing(CISP 2014) , 50-54. Rubinstein, M., 2014. Analysis and visualization of temporal variations in video, PhD Thesis, M.I.T. Electrical and Computer Science, Cambridge, USA, 118.
  • Ryan, D.A., 2014. Visible imaging of global MHD on MAST, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 42, 2556-2557.
  • Sarode, L.C. and Mandaogade, N.N., 2014. Review on video motion magnification, International Journal of Advance Research in Computer Science and Management Studies(IJARCSMS), 2, 480-484.
  • Sarode, L.C. and Mandaogade, N.N., 2014. Video motion magnification using spatio-temporal algorithm, International Journal of Computer Applications(IJCA), 96, 9-13.
  • Shahid, M., Rossholm, A. and Lövström, B., 2011. A reduced complexity no-reference artificial neural network based video quality predictor, International Congress on Image and Signal Processing (CISP), 1, 517-521.
  • Wadhwa, N., Rubinstein, M., Durand, F. and Freeman, W.T.,2013. Phase-based video motion processing, ACM Trans. Graph. Proceedings SIGGRAPH(2013), 32(4).
  • Wadhwa, N., Rubinstein, M., Durand, F. and Freeman, W.T., 2014. Riesz pyramids for fast phase-based video magnification, IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography(ICCP 2014).
  • Wang, J., Drucker, S.M., Agrawala, M., Durand, F. and Cohen, M., 2006. The cartoon animation filter, CM Trans. Graph. Proceedings SIGGRAPH(2006), 26.
  • Wu, H.Y., Rubinstein, M., Shih, E., Guttag, J., Durand, F. and Freeman, W.T., 2012. Eulerian video magnification for revealing subtle changes in the world, ACM Trans. Graph. Proceedings SIGGRAPH (2012), 31(4).
  • İnternet kaynakları 1- baby.mp4, (05.01.2016)
  • 2-, (01.07.2016)
  • 3- (01.07.2016)
  • 4- shadow.mp4 (05.01.2016)
  • 5- wrist.mp4 (05.01.2016)
Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi-Cover
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 6 Sayı
  • Başlangıç: 2015
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