An Investigation of the Activities in Science Textbooks in terms of the Concept of Entrepreneurship

An Investigation of the Activities in Science Textbooks in terms of the Concept of Entrepreneurship

The Ministry of National Education (MoNE) has included the concept of entrepreneurship under the skills of life in the Science Curriculum since 2013-2014 academic year. With the inclusion of entrepreneurship concept, it can be said that it is important to investigate the activities included in textbooks in terms of entrepreneurship according to teacher opinions. Within this context, this study aims to take the teacher opinions on appropriateness of the activities in the science textbook to the concept of entrepreneurship. This study was designed according to the qualitative research approach. The study was carried out with voluntary participation of 10 science teachers who work in different middle schools in Van province center. Semi-structured interview forms were used as data collection tools in the study. The obtained data were analyzed using the content and descriptive analysis. According to findings, more than half of the science teachers participating in the study reported that the activities were sufficient to improve the entrepreneurial skills of the students, but the others indicated that the activities were insufficient. Teachers also think that activities related to physics and biology will contribute more to students' entrepreneurial skills. Teachers stated that activities related to chemistry subjects had less effect on students' entrepreneurial skills. It is suggested that researchers should study more widely at different times to reveal the effectiveness of the study


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