A Case of Acute Renal Failure Following Ethylene Glycol Intoxication in a Dog

ABSTRACTThe manuscript describes a clinical case of severe oligoanuric acute renal failure in a young dog following ethylene glycol intoxication. Significant deviations were established in urinary renal markers and blood biochemical parameters: severe azotemia, hypocalcaemia, hyperphosphataemia, hyperkalaemia and metabolic acidosis. The ultrasound renal findings demonstrated increased renal cortex echogenicity the typical for ethylene glycol intoxication, with a characteristic halo sign around the medulla. Electrocardiography showed a progressive decrease in amplitudes of P and R peaks, increased sharp edged repolarisation T wave. The performed symptomatic therapy did not lead to favourable outcome due to delayed intervention by the owner and non-administered antidotal therapy. The histopathological finding was consisted in degeneration, necrosis, desquamation of kidney epithelial cells, dilated tubules and multiple calcium oxalate deposits. The described changes, in our opinion, are relevant and could be used for diagnostics of the studied pathology.Key Words: Acute renal failure, ethylene glycol, intoxication, glomerular marker, dogs ÖZETBİR KÖPEKTE ETİLEN GLİKOL İNTOKSİKASYONU ARDINDAN GELİŞEN AKUT RENAL YETMEZLİK VAKASI Bu metin genç bir köpekte etilen glikol intoksikasyonu ardından gelişen şiddetli oligoanürik renal yetmezlik sonucu oluşan klinik vakayı tanımlamaktadır.  Üriner renal markerlarda ve kan biyokimyasal parametrelerinde önemli sapmalar belirlenmiştir: şiddetli azotemi, hipokalsemi, hiperfosfatemi, hiperkalemi ve metabolik asidoz. Böbrekteki ultrason bulguları, etilen glikol intoksikasyonunda tipik olarak görülen renal korteks ekojenitesinde artış ile birlikte medulla çevresinde karakteristik hale işaretini ortaya koymuştur. Elektrokardiyografi sonucunda, P ve R piklerinin amplitüdlerinde progresif azalma, T dalgasının tepe noktasının repolarizasyonunda artış meydana geldiği görülmüştür. Uygulanan semptomatik tedavi, hayvan sahibinin gecikmiş müdahalesi ve antidot terapsinin ilaç verilmeden gerçekleştirilmesi yüzünden olumlu sonuca ulaşamamıştır.  Görülen histopatolojik bulgular; böbrek epitel hücrelerinin dejenerasyon, nekroz ve deskuamasyonu, tubul dilatasyonu, çoklu kalsiyum okzalat birikintilerinden meydana gelmektedir. Bizce, tarif edilen değişiklikler, çalışılan patolojik durumla ilgilidir ve diagnostik açıdan kullanılabilir.Anahtar Kelimeler: Akut renal yetersizlik, etilen glikol, intoksikasyon (zehirlenme), glomeruler marker, köpekler


The manuscript describes a clinical case of severe oligoanuric acute renal failure in a young dog following ethylene glycol intoxication. Significant deviations were established in urinary renal markers and blood biochemical parameters: severe azotemia, hypocalcaemia, hyperphosphataemia, hyperkalaemia and metabolic acidosis. The ultrasound renal findings demonstrated increased renal cortex echogenicity the typical for ethylene glycol intoxication, with a characteristic halo sign around the medulla. Electrocardiography showed a progressive decrease in amplitudes of P and R peaks, increased sharp edged repolarisation T wave. The performed symptomatic therapy did not lead to favourable outcome due to delayed intervention by the owner and non-administered antidotal therapy. The histopathological finding was consisted in degeneration, necrosis, desquamation of kidney epithelial cells, dilated tubules and multiple calcium oxalate deposits. The described changes, in our opinion, are relevant and could be used for diagnostics of the studied pathology.


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Acta Veterinaria Eurasia-Cover
  • ISSN: 2618-639X
  • Başlangıç: 1975
  • Yayıncı: İstanbul Üniversitesi-Cerrahpaşa
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