Results of Archaeological Excavations in Otrar in 2020

Otrar, one of the largest medieval centers on the Great Silk Road, has been one of the most important cities of the Kazakh Khanate since ancient times, where science and culture, trade, industry, agriculture and animal husbandry developed. In the 6th–8th centuries, Otrar was the capital of the largest feudal domination in the middle reaches of the Syrdaria, in the 9th–12th cc it became the capital of the region, in the 13th–15th cc – one of the largest cities in Central Asia with a developed economy, and in the 16th–18th cc – political and the economic center of the Kazakh Khanate. The building layers of Otrar under the Kazakh Khanate still need to be studied. For this reason, in order to determine the role and significance of Otrar in the Kazakh Khanate, material culture, we decided to conduct archaeological research in the shakhristan part of Otrar within the framework of the project «Cities of the Kazakh Khanate: centers of political, economic and cultural life». The article discusses the history of the study of Otrar, the origin of the name Otrar and the results of archaeological research in 2020, the significance of the settlement under the Kazakh Khanate and the 14th–15th cc, architectural features are determined.

Results of Archaeological Excavations in Otrar in 2020

Otrar, one of the largest medieval centers on the Great Silk Road, has been one of the most important cities of the Kazakh Khanate since ancient times, where science and culture, trade, industry, agriculture and animal husbandry developed. In the 6th–8th centuries, Otrar was the capital of the largest feudal domination in the middle reaches of the Syrdaria, in the 9th–12th cc it became the capital of the region, in the 13th–15th cc – one of the largest cities in Central Asia with a developed economy, and in the 16th–18th cc – political and the economic center of the Kazakh Khanate. The building layers of Otrar under the Kazakh Khanate still need to be studied. For this reason, in order to determine the role and significance of Otrar in the Kazakh Khanate, material culture, we decided to conduct archaeological research in the shakhristan part of Otrar within the framework of the project «Cities of the Kazakh Khanate: centers of political, economic and cultural life». The article discusses the history of the study of Otrar, the origin of the name Otrar and the results of archaeological research in 2020, the significance of the settlement under the Kazakh Khanate and the 14th–15th cc, architectural features are determined.


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