Formation of informative-communicative competence future specialists in learning english

In the modern worldthe Englishlanguage is the international language of communication and becomes an important factor in the training of future specialists in the global technological process. The passage of foreign practices of future specialists and academic mobility in universities prove the primary importance of knowledge of the English language. The basis of the modern educational system is compliance with international standards and educational requirements and their accessibility to representatives in their nationalities. Enhancement of education, the use of information technologies and methods of teaching the digitalization of educational programs is called the new era in the Kazakhstan sphere of education. Teaching English to future professionals at a professional level is a priority in the formation of information and communication competence and can compete in the labor market. The development of intellectual and communicative culture, the formation of communicative potential not only in the native language, but also fluency in English will help future professionals to apply their skills in the teaching of English in the educational process and in other branches of science.

Formation of informative-communicative competence future specialists in learning english

In the modern worldthe Englishlanguage is the international language of communication and becomes an important factor in the training of future specialists in the global technological process. The passage of foreign practices of future specialists and academic mobility in universities prove the primary importance of knowledge of the English language. The basis of the modern educational system is compliance with international standards and educational requirements and their accessibility to representatives in their nationalities. Enhancement of education, the use of information technologies and methods of teaching the digitalization of educational programs is called the new era in the Kazakhstan sphere of education. Teaching English to future professionals at a professional level is a priority in the formation of information and communication competence and can compete in the labor market. The development of intellectual and communicative culture, the formation of communicative potential not only in the native language, but also fluency in English will help future professionals to apply their skills in the teaching of English in the educational process and in other branches of science.


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