Bactericidal properties of carbamates acetylene amino alcohols

In the work synthesized a number of acetylenic amino alcohols derived their phenylcarbamate and studied their microbiological activity. Microorganisms: Bacillus subtilis; Botrytis cinerea, Echerchia coli, Ervinia caratovorum, Candida albicans, Fusarum solani and Helminthosporium were considered as objects of microbiological studies. Synthesized some N-phenylcarbamate amino alcohols of acetylene alcohol and investigated their physical, chemical and microbiological properties. It was established that these compounds exhibit high antibacterial activity against pathogens of certain diseases of animals and plants.

Bactericidal properties of carbamates acetylene amino alcohols

In the work synthesized a number of acetylenic amino alcohols derived their phenylcarbamate and studied their microbiological activity. Microorganisms: Bacillus subtilis; Botrytis cinerea, Echerchia coli, Ervinia caratovorum, Candida albicans, Fusarum solani and Helminthosporium were considered as objects of microbiological studies. Synthesized some N-phenylcarbamate amino alcohols of acetylene alcohol and investigated their physical, chemical and microbiological properties. It was established that these compounds exhibit high antibacterial activity against pathogens of certain diseases of animals and plants.


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